Eurofest 2008

The following Estonian films will be presented during the 2008 Eastern European Film Festival

Monday, 22 September


Tervitusi Nõukogude Eestist!

Estonia, 2007, Dir.: Urmas E. Liiv, 59 min., Original Estonian version with English subtitles



Estonia, 60 min., Dir.: Marko Raat, 2007, Original Estonian version with English subtitles

Tuesday, 23 September



Estonia, 2007, Dir.: Ilmar Raag, 94 min., Original Estonian version with English subtitles

New Website!

Welcome to the new Montreal Estonian Society website. Your executive has undertaken to renew the MES website this summer and has tried to incorporate the suggestions which have been made since we launched our initial site more than two years ago. We hope that this version meets with your approval. It is, of course, a work in progress, and we invite you to send your comments and suggestions to:

It is our intention to keep you abreast of Estonian related developments that are relevant in the local context and to regularly update the website with any breaking news of interest to our community. We therefore invite everyone to keep us in mind, and to keep us informed of upcoming events and of any news that features or involves Montreal Estonians.

Karl J. Raudsepp

Uus ‘Website’!

Montreali Eesti Seltsil on valminud uus veebileht, mida soovime siinkohal tutvustada. Seltsi juhatus otsustas möödunud suvel senise veebilehe ümber organiseerida ja on püüdnud selle juures arvesse võtta kõiki soovitusi ja parandusi, mis on esitatud MESile veebilehe algusest peale, viimase kahe aasta jooksul. Me loodame, et jääte uue versiooniga rahule. Kuna aga säärane veebileht ei ole kunagi lõplik, palume teid meile jällegi saata oma kommentaarid ja teha ka uusi ettepanekuid aadressil:

Meie sihiks on hoida teid kursis eestlusega seotud uudiste, sündmuste ja tegevusega, eriti muidugi nendega, mis puudutavad kohalikku eestlaskonda. Püüame ka pidevalt oma veebilehte värskena hoida ja sellepärast palume teid kõiki meid meeles pidada ja teatada aegsasti kavasolevatest sündmustest ja tegevusest, et saaksime nendest siis informeerida laiemat üldsust.

Karl J. Raudsepp

Peeter Simm’s “Georg” [film]

Part of the Montreal World Film Festival – Focus on World Cinema.

A poignant portrait of Georg Ots (1920-1975), Estonia’s best-known classical singer. A man of extraordinary talent who never made it to the world’s great opera stages, Ots constantly found his career thwarted by the political and social climate of his era. Beyond his native Estonia, Ots was known and loved only by audiences in the Soviet Union and in Finland. The unique timbre of his voice is still remembered today. This documentary describes how a great artist’s fate was shaped by difficult and unsteady years. It is an intimate tale of love, intrigue and family.


August 28, 2008 • 19:00:00

August 29, 2008 • 12:20:00

August 31, 2008 • 17:00:00

Estonian w/ english subtitles
2007 / Colour / 107 min

Estonian actor featured in “Of Mice and Men”

Young Estonian Matthew Raudsepp plays Whit in this Montreal Theatre Ensemble production of Steinbeck’s "Of Mice and Men".

The production will be playing at the Casgrain Theatre from August 27th to September 13th.

Matthew’s recent stage credits include Cervantes/Sancho in Canis Tempus Theatre’s "Quixote"; Lucky in "The Emptiest", an adaptation of "The Tempest" which he directed with his theatre company Second Body Productions; and Romeo in Gravy Bath Productions’ "Gayanashagowa", an adaptation of "Romeo & Juliet". Film and TV credits include: "Dead at 17"; "Durham County"; and "Picture This!". Matthew is a graduate of the John Abbott College Professional Theatre Program where he received the Pamela Montgomery Award.

Of Mice and Men
Montreal Theatre Ensemble
Casgrain Theatre (In the Casgrain Building of John Abbott College)
21, 275 Lakeshore Road
Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec

Tuesday to Saturday 8:00 p.m.
Matinée: Sundays, 2:00 pm

15$ Regular / $10 Students, seniors

Reservations: (514) 515-9140 or

For more information, visit the Montreal Theatre Ensemble website