MES Annual General Meeting

Montreal Estonian Society – Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting of the Montreal Estonian Society, held on Sunday, October 24, 2010 the incumbent Executive Committee was re-elected. Please refer to the MES Website "About Us’ link for details of the executive membership.


Kremerata Baltica at Place des Arts

Série classique de la Place des Arts – Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier

Kremerata Baltica / Gidon Kremer

Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 8:00 pm

Works by:  Beethoven, Auebach & Kancheli



Elizabeth Laurinaitis

(514) 285-4275  OR


Kremerata Baltica was created in 1997 by violinist Gidon Kremer, who was born in Riga. The 27 members of the orchestra were all chosen from the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Currently two Estonian musicians play with this ensemble: Andrei Valigura, viola and Indrek Sarrap, double bass.


Montreal Estonian Pensioner’s Club

October 22, 2010 at 1:00 pm.

St. John’s Church Hall

"Vabad Müürlased", a film by Jüri Lina will be shown and Riho Kruuv, the Estonian Chargé d’Affaires a.i. in Canada, will drop by to talk about the Euro becoming the currency for Estonia as of 2011.


Montreali Eesti Pensionäride Klubi

22. oktoobril, 2010 alates kell 13.00

Montreali Jaani kiriku saalis

Kavas on Jüri Lina film “Vabad Müürlased” ja Riho Kruuv kõneleb kuidas Euro muutub käibelolevaks rahaks eestis alates 2011.


Estonian Embassy – Consular Affairs Day in Montreal

Date:  Friday, October 22, 2010 from 09:00 – 13:00

Place: Boardroom Nº 9, 37th floor, 800 Victoria Square (Fasken Martineau DuMoulin)

Riho Kruuv, the Estonian Chargé d’Affaires a.i. in Canada, will be present to answer questions regarding passports, business opportunities, etc.

It is highly recommended that appointments be made through the Estonian Embassy in Ottawa:   or   by telephone 613-789-4222.

Eesti Saatkonna Konsulaar Päev Montrealis

Aeg:  22. oktoober, 2010  kell 9-13

Koht:  Aukonsul Marice Forget kontor, täpsemalt Boardroom Nº 9 on the 37th floor, 800 Victoria Square.  Firma nimi:  Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.

Riho Kruuv on Ottawast kohal aga soovitav on, et vastuvõtule tulijad end registreeriksid saatkonnas –  või  telefonil  613-789-4222.


Kristjan Onu at Laval University, Quebec City

September, Kristjan Onu started work at Laval University in Québec City as a postdoctoral fellow in a joint project of the Department of Wood and Forest Sciences and the Department of Mathematics. Thus, Kristjan is not a medical doctor, but rather a doctor of mechanics. He finished his studies in August at the University of Illinois. His thesis, titled “Stochastic Averaging for Mechanical Systems” established methods useful in simplifying the mathematical description of broad classes of engineering systems, for example water waves and shock absorbers, when these are perturbed by noise. Kristjan is now back in the city of his childhood. He likes to joke that his return to Québec City was necessary to ensure this would remain the city where he has spent most of his life. He has also lived in Ottawa, where his family remains, and in London, Ontario, where he attended the University of Western Ontario for a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics. At Laval, the goal of his project is to model deformities in manufactured wood products due to imperfections in raw wood. It is hoped that ultimately this research will advance the state of the art in the forestry industry.

Family and friends rejoice and congratulate Kristjan for his achievements and his return to Québec City, second only to Tallinn in its historic beauty.


Kristjan Onu Tagasi Quebecis

Uus Doktor Tagasi Quebecis

Septembris Kristjan Onu algas Lavali Ülikoolis, Quebeci linnas tööle, “postdoktori” teadurina Puu ja Metsateaduse osakonna ja Matemaatika osakonna ühis projekti juures. Nii et tegemist pole mitte doktoriga kes on arst, vaid mehanika doktoriga. Kristjan lõpetas õpingud augusti kuus University of Illinois. Tema doktori töö pealkiri oli Stochastic Averaging for Mechanical Systems”. Lühida seletuse selle töö sisu kohta ja ka Lavali Ülikooli töö kohta leiab inglis keelses tekstis. Kristjan on nüüd tagasi oma lapsepõlve linnas. Teeb nalja et läks Quebeci linna tagasi et see siis ikka jääks linnaks kus on oma elus kõige kauem elanud. Ta on ka Ottawas elanud kus vend ja vanemad elavad ja London, Ontarios kus õppis University of Western Ontarios, kus omandas rakendusmatemaatika alal kraadi.

Perekond ja sõbrad rõõmustavad ja õnnitlevad Kristjani oma saavatuste üle ja et on tagasi Quebeci linnas mis jääb ainult Tallinale järele oma ajaloolise iluduse poolest.


Christmas Sausages – November 2010

Please note that ORDERS CAN ONLY BE PLACED STARTING November 1, 2010 and will be accepted until November 12, 2010 with a limit of 5 lbs per order.

Cost is $10 per pound.

Pick up will be on Saturday, November 20th from 1-2 pm at St. John’s Estonian Church Hall. Please note that if you do not pick up your order on that day and at that time, your ‘verivorstid’ will be redirected to someone else.

To order:

Ingrid Tärk: (514) 489-9714