HEINAVANKER – Performing in Montreal – Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mark your calendars !



Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 4:00 pm

St. George’s Anglican Church

TICKETS: $20 & $15 / aged 12 and under free

(514) 489-9714 / info@mtlmes.ca


HEINAVANKER is an early music vocal ensemble from Tallinn, Estonia. Their name is taken from the famous altarpiece of Hieronymous Bosch (1453-1516), which depicts a huge wagonload of hay rolling through the world, vexed by agony and greed, towards destruction. However, atop the hayload there sounds beautiful music. They have been performing together since 1996.

The repertoire of Heinavanker consists primarily of two styles: Estonian folk hymns and early European polyphonic music.

Heinavanker has performed extensively throughout Europe and the USA and this is their first concert tour of Canada.

Margo Kõlar, composer and the Artistic Director of the ensemble, is also the Head of the Department of Electronic Music at the Music Academy of Estonia.

Heinavanker website


HEINAVANKER – Kontsert Montrealis: laupäeval, 17. septembril, 2011

Märkige oma kalendrisse !


Laupäeval, 17. septembril, 2011, kell 16.00

St. George’s Anglican Church

PILETID: $20 & $15 / Vanus 12 ja alla prii

(514) 489-9714 / info@mtlmes.ca

HEINAVANKER on vana-muusika ansambel Tallinnast. Nende nimi on tuletatud Hieronymous Boschi (1454-1516) tuntud altarimaalist, mis kujutab vankrit suure kuhja heinaga veeremas läbi maailma, mis on vaevatud ahnusest ja surmaheitlusest, hävingu suunas. Siiski, heinakuhja otsast kostab imeilusat muusikat. Ansambel on koos käinud ja esinenud alates 1996. aastast.

Heinavankri repertuaar on peamiselt kahte laadi: eesti rahvamuusika ja varajane Euroopa polüfooniline muusika.

Heinavanker on rohkesti esinenud nii Euroopas kui USAs ja see on nende esimene kontserdi ringreis Kanadas.

Margo Kõlar, helilooja ja ansambli kunstiline juht, on ühtlasi ka Eesti Muusika Akadeemia elektroonilise muusika osakonna juhataja.

Heinavankri võrgukoht


HONHEEHONHEE – EestiElu Interview With Matt Raudsepp



Indie pop rock band HONHEEHONHEE recently returned to Montreal from their cross Canada tour. While in Toronto, performing at the North By North-East Music Festival (NXNE) – Saturday, June 18, 2011 at the El Mocambo, Linda Ambos interviewd the band’s bass player, Matt Raudsepp.

EestiElu Article (in English)

Part I

Music Videos

Matt Raudsepp, bassist for Montreal indie pop rock band, HONHEEHONHEE.


“Jaanipäev” at Lättemäe – June 25, 2011

This year’s ‘Jaanipäev’ at Lättemäe was an altogether resounding success. Even though the weather was a mix of cloud and rain, 55 people turned out for some cheery conviviality, great food and joyful singing. Good humour reigned supreme from the time of the raising of the flag to the bonfire. Special thanks must go to Kersti Leetmaa, Agnet Tõke, Piret Koppel and their helpers, for the preparation of the food. Peeter Kopvillem, as is becoming the tradition, provided the leadership and accompaniment to the singing, including the “Lättemäe Laul’ penned by his father ‘Villu’, which has echoed through the forest for many decades. The highlight of course was the children from the MES ‘Lasteaed’ who sang songs and performed a few dances, all under the inspiring leadership of Monika Dumbrille – but the fire kept them more enthralled.

More photos


Jaanipäev Lättemäel – 25. juunil, 2011

Seekordne jaanipäev möödus sõna tõsises mõttes vihma tähe all. See ei heidutanud aga jaanipäevalisi, keda oli kogunenud üle 55 hinge Lättemäele, nii Montrealist kui Ottawast, nende hulgas rohkelt lapsi. Päev möödus algusest lõpuni hoogsalt, lipuheiskamisest alates kuni jaanituleni välja. Kõhutäie eest hoolitsesid perenaised (Kersti Leetmaa, Piret Koppel ja Agnet Tõke oma abilistega), kes said rohkeid kiidusõnu uskumatult maitsva ja rikkaliku toidu eest. Peeter Kopvillem tegi hoogsalt ühislaulu, pannes ka muidu vaiksed inimesed kaasa laulma. Ja lastel oli lõbu tule ümber rohkem kui vaja. Tänu kõige eest kuulub Montreali Eesti Seltsile, kelle õlgadel lasus ürituse organiseerimine. (IT)

Rohkem pilte


Saunaka 50th Anniversary

L to R BACK ROW: Olav Nilender. Rein Maasik, Mati Merilo, Andres Soom, Dana Hearne, Heiki Tamm, Erik Purre, Mary Soom, Jaak Riga, and Enn Raudsepp.

L to R FRONT ROW: Rachel Nilender, Helen Maasik, Judy Tamm, Gundi Purre, Annely Riga, Kathy Merilo




Saunaka 50th Anniversary Get-together

In 1961, nine young Montreal friends who had followed their fathers into a number of different Estonian academic organizations, decided to form a new society — Saunaka — in order to stay close to each other. Despite the dispersal of members to Mexico, and to both coasts of The United States and Canada, Saunaka members have been gathering for reunions every 10 years. Last week, the group celebrated its 50th anniversary with a week-long reunion at the Northridge Resort in Muskoka.

Older Montrealers will remember that six of the members formed a popular dance band that often played at Pruuli’s hall.