Montreali Eesti Pensionäride Klubi kutsel oli dr. prof. Heli-Kristy Kultas-Ilinsky koos abikaasa dr. prof. Igor Ilinskyga, mõlemad rahvusvaheliselt tuntud neuroteadurid, külas Montrealis, kus nad tutvustasid oma mälestusteost “The Way It Was — the story of one special exile from Estonia” (Trafford Publishing 06/08/2008).
Musica Orbium Choir Concert
Musica Orbium-i Koori Kontsert
MES 75th Anniversary Gala
Gala dinner/dance on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at the Mount Stephen Club.
Montreali Eesti Selts 75 Aastane
Gala pidustus 7. märtsil ajaloolises Mount Stephen Klubi ruumides.
Neeme Järvi conducts the Montreal Symphony Orchestra
Neeme Järvi dirigeerib Montreali Sümfoonia Orkestrit
Estonian Passport Information Session With Rasmus Lumi
Eesti Passi Informatsiooni Kokkutulek Rasmus Lumiga
MES 75th Anniversary Gala
Come and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Montreal Estonian Society at the historic Mount Stephen Club. Wine, dine and enjoy world class entertainment by Montreal native sons Peeter Kopvillem and his daughters Leiki and Keila as well as Armas Maiste. Dance the night away as our DJ plays your favourite tunes.
Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 6:00 pm
Mount Stephen Club
1440 Drummond Street, Montreal (between De Maisonneuve and Ste-Catharine)
Tickets are only $50.00, students $25.00, and are subsidized by the MES.
Cash bar.
Dress: semi-formal
To purchase tickets, or for more information, please contact either Kersti Leetmaa at (514) 695-4194 or Karl J. Raudsepp at (514) 697-0245. The deadline for ticket purchase is March 1, 2009.
Don’t miss out on this extraordinary celebration – get your tickets today!!