Saturday, May 1, 2010
The annual spring rummage sale at St. John’s Estonian Lutheran Church was yet another success. It brought out many people from the neighbourhood looking for that special bargain. |
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The annual spring rummage sale at St. John’s Estonian Lutheran Church was yet another success. It brought out many people from the neighbourhood looking for that special bargain. |
Laupäeval, 1. mail, 2010
Montreali Jaani kiriku igakevadine tarvitatud esemete müük läks järjekordselt hasti korda. Külastajaid oli rohkesti, nii lähemast kui kaugemast ümbruskonnast. kes kasutasid juhust, et osta just seda soodushinnaga eset.
In January 2010 the Baltic Students’ Society (BSS) was established at McGill University to celebrate the common history and culture of the Baltic countries. The club has four aims: to maintain and celebrate the cultural heritage of the Baltic countries, to create a positive space in which to address and discuss issues of Baltic culture, identity and contemporary Baltic life, to reach out to Baltic communities in Montreal, and to create and spread awareness of Baltic cultures and societies within the McGill community. Thus far, the club is comprised of fifty members, eleven of whom are Estonian, and it is growing! During the winter 2010 semester, they have held movie nights, presentations and information sessions about each Baltic country, as well as BBQs and weekly meetings! This club is a great opportunity for students to meet and learn about their culture as well as become involved with campus life. The club is always looking for new members in the McGill University community as well as ideas for events and things to do in Montreal! INFO:
Facebook: Baltic Students’ Society |
At the April 25, 2010 Annual General Meeting of MEYWA (Lättemäe), the following individuals were elected to the 2010/2011 Executive: L to R: Roxanne Martel (Member at Large), Innar Teose (Member at Large), Piret Koppel (Member at Large), Karl J. Raudsepp (Vice President), Kersti Leetmaa (Treasurer), Mart Leetmaa (President), Raimo Heyduck (Member at Large), Ingrid Tärk (Secretary) and Eero Tae (Member at Large).
Lättemäe aasta peakoosolekul, 25. aprillil, 2010 valiti uus juhatus järgmises koosseisus: Vasakult: Roxanne Martel (Ametita liige), Innar Teose (Ametita liige), Piret Koppel (Ametita liige), Karl J. Raudsepp (Abiesimees), Kersti Leetmaa (Laekur), Mart Leetmaa (Esimees), Raimo Heyduck (Ametita liige), Ingrid Tärk (Kirjatoimetaja) ja Eero Tae (Ametita liige). |
Registration deadline: July 12, 2010
Registreerimis tähtaeg: 12. juuli, 2010
The Seventeenth Conference of the Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada, will take place at Concordia University in Montreal from May 29-31, 2010.
Program Highlights
May 30, 2010
11:20-11:50 – Madis Arukask (University of Tartu) Charms and Witchcraft in Everyday Use in Vepsian Villages
11:50-12:30 – Tuuli Tiusk & Tiit-Rein Viitso (University of Tartu) Vowel Quality in Livonian
May 31, 2010
09:00-09:30 – Ilse Lehiste (Ohio State University) Nominative Compounds in Estonian
09:30-10:00 – Tiiu Salasoo (Roseville, Australia) Estonian Boys Learning How to Elaborate With Adverbs
15:15-15:45 – Brent McKenzie (University of Western Ontario) Tallinna Kaubamaja: a Half Century as Estonia’s Department Store – 1960-2010