PIRUKAD 101 On Saturday, November 13, 2010 starting at 1:00 pm, there will be a cooking class titled ‘Pirukad 101’ held at St. John’s Church Hall. For those interested, you will learn how to make traditional Estonian ‘liha pirukad’ (small meat pies). The fee is $10 per person to cover costs. To sign up: info@mtlmes.ca |
MES-i Küpsetustund – Pirukad 101
Laupäeval, 13. novembril 2010, algusega kell 13.00, toimub Jaani kiriku saalis küpsetustund hüüdnimega PIRUKAD 101. Sellest huvitatuile õpetatakse traditsionaalsete eesti lihapirukate (small meat pies) valmistamist. Küpsetustunnis osalejatele hind on $10 isikult. Palume registreerida e-posti kaudu: info@mtlmes.ca |
MES Newsletter – October 2010
Please note that the MES membership year runs from September 1 to August 31. Therefore your 2010/2011 membership fees are due now. In the spring of 2010, the MES was incorporated as a non-profit organization in Quebec. As a consequence, the MES can now provide Quebec provincial income tax receipts to anyone who would like to make a donation in support of the MES and its activities. |
MES-i Sõnumid – Oktoober 2010
Palume teatavaks võtta et MES-i liikmeaasta kestab 1. septembrist kuni 31. augustini. Seega on teie liikmemaksu 2010-2011 tasumisaeg käes.
Kevadel 2010 sai MES tunnustatud kui kasumit mitte aktsepeeriv organisatsioon Quebecis. Järelikult MES saab nüüd anda isikule, kes soovib toetada MES-i tegevust, vastava tulumaksu kviitungi.
Sõnumid Liikmemaksud Annetused
‘Heinavanker’ Performs At The University Of Vermont, Burlington
Friday, October 1, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. Heinavanker is a six-person mixed choir from Tallinn, Estonia. The ensemble is named after the famous altarpiece of Hieronymos Bosch, the Haywain. The ensemble has been performing together since 1996. Their repertoire consists of two principal styles: early polyphonic music and Estonian folk hymns.
Montreal Researcher “Looking For Answers To Our Future”
Montreal Gazette: Monday, September 20, 2010 Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne worked on a paper about the "environmentalist’s paradox": "People see these doom and gloom environmental reports but they also look around and see that most people in the world are doing very, very well." |
MES Kindergarten – September 18, 2010
Welcome to the Montreal Estonian Society Kindergarten! On Saturday, September 18th the MES held its first very successful morning of learning Estonian language and culture through crafts, songs and games.
The MES holds its program every second Saturday morning in the Hall of St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church (4345 Marcil Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H4A 2Z9),
Would you or someone you know like to join us? Enthusiasm is more important than language level! You can come and join in the fun by contacting Monika Dumbrille at: monikadumbrille@hotmail.com or by phone, (514) 903-2040.
MES-i Lasteaed – 18. Septembril, 2010
Montreali Eesti Seltsi Lasteaed alustas tegevust lõbusas mänguhoos 18. septembril. Lasteaias õpime eesti keelt … mängides, lauldes, loovtegevuses. Kõik väikesed, alates teisest eluaastast on teretulnud.
Lasteaed toimub laupäeva hommikul kaks korda kuus Montreali Jaani kiriku seltskondlikes ruumides (4345 Marcil Avenue,Montreal, Quebec, H4A 2Z9). Palun võtke kontakti Monika Dumbrille’iga monikadumbrille@hotmail.com või helistage, (514) 903-2040.
Lumekuninganna – Montreali ‘World Film’ Festivalil
Lumekuninganna – (The Snow Queen) Marko Raadi muinasjutt täiskasvanutele põhineb motiivil H. C. Anderseni “Lumekuningannast”. Iselaadi armastuslugu räägib sellest, kuidas Jäälossis elav naine (Helena Merzin) meelitab enda juurde poisi (Artur Tedremägi), kes naise ja jääriigi ilust lummatuna unustab inimeste maailma. Filmi pikkus: 1h 39 min Teatris L13, Quartier Latin Cinema Complex (350 rue Emery) 29, 30 & 31. augustil
The Snow Queen (Lumekuninganna) – World Film Festival, Montreal
The Snow Queen – (Lumekuninganna) In a modern "sequel" to Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, The Snow Queen, a woman lures a teenaged boy to her ice villa where she lives as a recluse. A film by Marko Raat (Estonia) – 1h 39 min Theatre L13 in the Quartier Latin Cinema Complex (350 rue Emery) August 29, 30 & 31