MES Annual General Meeting – Sunday, October 2, 2011

At the MES Annual General Meeting, held on Sunday, October 2, 2011, Karl J. Raudsepp was re-elected as the President of the MES, along with the rest of the incumbent members of the Executive. Agnes Laan was also nominated and elected to replace Piret Koppel, who withdrew from the Executive, due to her heavy workload.


MES-i Liikmete Peakoosolek – 2. oktoobril, 2011

MES-i liikmete peakoosolekul, mis toimus pühapäeval, 2. oktoobril, 2011 Montreali Jaani kiriku seltskondlikes ruumides, valiti taaskord MES-i esimeheks Karl J. Raudsepp koos teiste ametis olevate juhatuse liikmetega. Uueks juhatuse liikmeks esitati Agnes Laan ja valiti asendamaks Piret Koppelit, kes juhatusest välja astus oma suure töökoormuse tõttu.

MES Kindergarten First Get-Together – Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011

The MES Kindergarten – 2nd Year Of Activities

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Welcome to the Montreal Estonian Society Kindergarten! On Saturday, October 1st, the MES Kindergarten began its second year of operation – young children learning the basics of the Estonian language and culture through crafts, songs and games.

On this first get together after the summer break, there were 10 children present (the youngest was barely 3 weeks old), along with their parents, grandparents and even a great grandparent.

We would also like to welcome Agnes Laan, who joins Monika Dumbrille as the second of two teachers leading the classes.

The Kindergarten meets every second Saturday morning in the Hall of St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church (4345 Marcil Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H4A 2Z9), Please refer to the MES Events Calendar for specific dates.

If you or someone you know would like to join in the fun, please contact Monika Dumbrille at: or by phone, (514) 903-2040.

Enthusiasm is more important than language level!



MES-i lasteaial algas teine tegevusaasta

Montreali Eesti Seltsi Lasteaed algas tegevust


Montreali Eesti Seltsi lasteaia esimene kokkusaamine sellel õppeaastal toimus laupäeval, 1. oktoobril. Juba teist aastat järjest saavad väikesed huvilised õppida eesti keelt läbi loovtegevuse, laulude ja mängude. Sellel aastal oli kokku tulnud 10 last, kellest noorim oli vaid 3-nädalane. Koos lastega olid kohal ka nende vanemad, vanavanemad ja sugulased. Õpetajateks on Monika Dumbrille ja Agnes Laan.

Tore oli kokku saada, tutvuda uute inimestega, juua kohvi ja mängida koos lastega!

Lasteaed saab kokku igal teisel laupäeval Jaani kiriku ruumides (4345 Marcil Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H4A 2Z9).
Lisainformatsiooni saamiseks võib vaadata MES-i kodulehele

Kui sinul või sinu tuttaval tekkis huvi, et liituda selle lõbusa lasteaiaga, siis võta ühendust Monika Dumbrille’iga telefonil 514-903-2040 või


HEINAVANKER – A Magical Vocal Moment in Montreal


Saturday, September 17, 2011


The 6-member early music vocal ensemble HEINAVANKER, hailing from Tallinn, Estonia, enthralled the modest but very appreciative audience at Saturday afternoon’s concert in St. George’s Anglican Church, Place to Canada. The vocal artistry and musicianship displayed by this group of singers was a magical moment for this writer – almost other-worldly.

While their repertoire might not be everyone’s cup-of-tea, (early Estonian religious folk songs or popular chorales, runic songs and the music of Johannes Ockeghem), their vocal technique and mastery of expression (both solo and ensemble work), was of a calibre that superseded most musical performances of this type heard in this city in recent years.

The listeners were spellbound until the last syllable of the final work on the program, the pre-Christian runic song, Loomiselaul (The Creation), one of the oldest and most distinctive examples of Estonian culture. What followed in the first of two encores, was the surprisingly beautiful and unexpected throat singing (also known as overtone chanting), as demonstrated by Taniel Kirikal.

Amazingly, given their gruelling schedule, there was no evidence of tiredness exhibited in their voices (translated as tuning and pitch problems). It should be noted they arrived from Estonia on Thursday, performed in Quebec City on Friday night (at the International des Musiques Sacrées de Québec – Église Saint-Roch), followed by their performance in Montreal and then Toronto on Sunday. They headed back to Tallinn on Monday, having had very little sleep due to travelling by car between these cities.

They are to be commended for their professionalism and their stamina – both musical and physical. It would be a welcome opportunity to hear them again.



Kara-Lis Coverdale (EestiElu) article


Estonian Embassy – Consular Affairs Day in Montreal

Date:  Friday, September 9, 2011 from 10:30 – 14:00

Place:  37th floor, 800 Victoria Square (Fasken Martineau DuMoulin)

Riho Kruuv, the Estonian Chargé d’Affaires a.i. in Canada, will be present to answer questions regarding passports, ID cards, legalization of documents, business opportunities, etc.

To book an appointment with Mr. Kruuv, please contact the Estonian Embassy by e-mail: or by telephone 613-789-4222.


2 Estonian Films at the 35th World Film Festival in Montreal

Film Festival Website

MAP: Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

The Graveyard Keeper’s Daughter (Surnuaiavahi Tütar) –

Katrin Laur, 100 minutes

August 19 – 13:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 19 – 21:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 20 – 14:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 28 – 18:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

Shift (Vahetus) – Anu Aun, 15 minutes

August 19 – 13:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 19 – 21:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 20 – 14:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 28 – 18:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13



2 Eesti Filmi Montrealis – 35th World Film Festival

Film Festival Website

MAP: Quartier Latin Cinema L13

Surnuaiavahi Tütar (The Graveyard Keeper’s Daughter)

Katrin Laur, 100 minutit


August 19 – 13:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 19 – 21:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 20 – 14:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 28 – 18:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

Vahetus (Shift) – Anu Aun, 15 minutit

August 19 – 13:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 19 – 21:30 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 20 – 14:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13

August 28 – 18:40 – Quartier Latin, Cinema L13




HEINAVANKER – Performing in Montreal – Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mark your calendars !



Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 4:00 pm

St. George’s Anglican Church

TICKETS: $20 & $15 / aged 12 and under free

(514) 489-9714 /


HEINAVANKER is an early music vocal ensemble from Tallinn, Estonia. Their name is taken from the famous altarpiece of Hieronymous Bosch (1453-1516), which depicts a huge wagonload of hay rolling through the world, vexed by agony and greed, towards destruction. However, atop the hayload there sounds beautiful music. They have been performing together since 1996.

The repertoire of Heinavanker consists primarily of two styles: Estonian folk hymns and early European polyphonic music.

Heinavanker has performed extensively throughout Europe and the USA and this is their first concert tour of Canada.

Margo Kõlar, composer and the Artistic Director of the ensemble, is also the Head of the Department of Electronic Music at the Music Academy of Estonia.

Heinavanker website