MES Photo Caption Contest Winners
The Winners
1st Place: Tõnu Onu
Caption: “Voilà! The new organic, fatless, bloodless, verivorst. It tastes as good as it looks!” 2nd Place: Valmar Kurol Caption: "Usu mind, Juku, kala siin otsas oli nii suur!" 3rd Place: Kersti Leetmaa Caption: "This is a job that requires some intestinal fortitude!"
NOTE: A panel of 6 judges adjudicated the entries |
J.S. Bach & Arvo Pärt – Magnificat: A Celebration of Life
Tickets: (514) 523-3611 E-mail: Website: |
MES Estonian Language Classes – Winter 2012
For the last two years, the MES has conducted highly successful Estonian language classes via Skype video conferencing with an experienced teacher from Estonia. Contact: |
St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church – AGM
AGM – Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 12:30 pm The Annual General Meeting of the congregation will take place directly after the service which starts at 11:00 am on Sunday, January 15, 2012. Coffee and sandwiches will be available prior to the start of the meeting.
63rd Anniversary Service On Sunday, January 29, 2012 St. John’s Estonian will celebrate its 63rd Anniversary. The service, with Holy Communion, will also include the investiture of the new Church Council. The guest preacher will be Mart Salumäe, from St. Peter’s Estonian Lutheran Church, Toronto.
Montreali Jaani Kiriku Teated
Montreali Jaani koguduse täiskogu koosolek Montreali Jaani koguduse täiskogu koosolek toimub 15. jaanuaril 2012 vahetult peale jumalateenistust. Koosolekul esitatakse 2011. aasta aruanded, 2012. aasta eelarve ja tulevad arutamisele koguduse tegevusega seosesolevad küsimused. Enne koosoleku algust pakub naisring tass kohvi kohvikõrvasega. Jumalateenistus algab kell 11.00 ja täiskogu koosolek kell 12.30
Koguduse aastapäev 29. jaanuaril 2012 tähistab Montreali Jaani kogudus oma 63. aastapäeva. Jumalateenistus algab kell 11.00 ja on armulauaga. Toimub ka täiskogu koosolekul valitud uue nõukogu õnnistamine. Jumalateenistusel osaleb külalisõpetajana Toronto Peetri koguduse õpetaja Mart Salumäe. Peale jumalateenistust on all tavakohane koosviibimine sooja lõunaeinega. |
MES-i Lasteaed Alustab Uuel Aastal Töö – 21. jaanuaril, 2012
MES Kindergarten Gets Underway on Saturday, January 21, 2012.
The fall of 2011 was a fun-filled term for students attending the MES Lasteaed! 2012 promises to bring with it many more opportunities for fun and play, all while learning Estonian. Do come and join us! Tulge mängima! The first get-together of the new year is on Saturday, January 21, 2012. And remember … enthusiasm is more important than language level ! |
MES Photo Caption Contest – Deadline: December 31, 2011
MES ‘Verivorstid’ Photo Caption Contest
If you have not done so already, submit a caption for the photo to the left. The MES will choose three finalists. Submissions must be sent by e-mail to: and must include your full name, telephone number and mailing address (and of course the caption). Contest ends: New Year’s Eve 2011. The winners will each receive an MES souvenir package which will include an MES T-shirt and matching cap.
Review – Peter Trosztmer’s “Eesti: Myths and Machines”
"Eesti: Myths and Machines" is a unique personal meditation on the amorphous nature of Canadian-Estonian history.
"What is real and what is fiction is impossible to distinguish" says Peter Trosztmer, reflecting on the highly personal and interpretive history he has pieced together of how his family came to Canada. The young choreographer and dancer … Continue reading Kara-Lis’ Coverdale’s article in English at: EestiElu "Eesti: Myths and Machines" will show again in June 2012 in Griffintown, Montreal. |