The Globe & Mail’s 2015 Canadian Artists of the Year – Dec. 23, 2015
Montreal playwrite Annabel Soutar, has been named one of the Globe and Mail’s 2015 Canadian artists of the year. The article appeared in the Globe and Mail on December 23, 2015. It was not too long ago that her play "Seeds’ (starring Eric Peterson in 2013) was performed at the Centaur Theatre. Annabel Soutar (daughter of Helgi Ulk), is the artistic director of Porte Parole, a Montreal theatre company dedicated to creating and producing original documentary plays about contemporary social and political issues. Her plays include: Novembre (2000), 2000 Questions (2002) and Sexy Beton (Sexy Concrete) (2009/2010), which explored the collapse of the de la Concorde overpass in 2006 and the culture of corruption in Quebec’s construction industry. |
Häid Pühi! – Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas – Häid jõule !
MES Lasteaed Christmas Party – Saturday, December 12, 2015
Christmas Eve at Saint John’s Estonian – Jõuluõhtu Montreali Jaani Kirikus
Jõuluõhtu jumalateenistus saab peetud kell 2pl. Montreali Jaani Kirikus, neljapäeval 24. detsember 2015. Teenib Pastor Matthew Anderson, orelil on Karl J. Raudsepp, ja solistina laulab Carol Desmarteau. Kõik on teretulnud.
Vana aasta õhtul jumalateenistust ei ole.
10. jaanuaril 2016 on tavaline jumalateenistus algusega kell 11:30, kus teenib Pastor Matthew Anderson. Peale jumalateenistust on lühi kerge lõuna söök millele järgneb Täiskogu Koosolek, kuhu kiriku liikmed on palutud osa võtma. Päevakorras on ka uute nõugogu liikmete valimised.
The Christmas Eve Service will be held at 2pm on Thursday Dec. 24, 2015, at St. John’s Estonian Church. Rev. Dr. Matthew Anderson will be officiating, Karl J. Raudsepp will be the organist, and the soloist will be Carole Desmarteau. Everyone is welcome. There will be no service on New Year’s Eve.
The next service will be held on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 11:30 am. Following the service, all church members are invited to partake of a light lunch, which will be followed by the Annual General Meeting. The agenda will include nominations for several positions on the Church Council.