Special General Meeting – SJE

On Sunday, November 2, 2008 the congregation of St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church voted against the union of the Estonian Lutheran Church in Exile with the Estonian Lutheran Church in Estonia.

Estonian Language Classes

The first meeting of MES sponsored Estonian language classes for beginners will be held on Saturday, October 25 from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm, at St. John’s Estonian Church hall.  Four classes are forecast for this fall session at a cost of $75 per person.  While the emphasis will be on spoken Estonian, the student will also gain insight into grammar as well as learning some Estonian songs and customs.  For more information or to register, please contact: info@mtlmes.ca

Eesti keele kursus

Esimene MESi poolt korraldatud eesti keele kursuse loeng algajatele toimub 25. oktoobril, kell 12-14, Jaani kiriku saalis. Sügiskursus koosneb neljast loengust ja maksab $75/osavõtjalt. Kuigi pearõhk on kõnelemisel, käsitletakse vähemal määral ka grammatikat ja osavõtjatel on võimalus õppida eestikeelseid laule ja tutvuda eesti kommetega. Registreerimiseks ja info saamiseks palun võtke kontakt info@mtlmes.ca kaudu.

Christmas Sausages

As already publicized in our last newsletter, current paid up MES members (2008/09) have ordering priority from Nov. 1-8, with a limit of 5 lbs per member.

All others (who are not MES members) can place their orders from Nov. 9-16, with a 5 lb limit per order.

The price of the ‘verivorstid’ is $6 per pound and pick-up will be on Saturday, Nov. 22nd from 2-3 pm at St. John’s Estonian Church Hall. Please note that if you do not pick up your order, it will not be stored and the ‘verivorstid’ will be redirected to someone else.

To volunteer or to place your order, please contact Ingrid Tärk at: (514) 489-9714 or by E-mail at: ingridtark@hotmail.com