Diamond Wedding Anniversary – Hilja & Innar Teose


Hilja & Innar Teose

celebrate their 60th (Diamond) wedding anniversary on

February 24, 2012.

Their wedding took place at St. Jacob’s Church in Stockholm, Sweden on February 24, 1952. The marriage ceremony was conducted by Rev. Aleksander Täheväli.
They are congratulated by their sons Erik and Mark along with their families and by their many relatives and friends in Montreal and elsewhere.


Teemant pulmapäev – Hilja & Innar Teose

Hilja & Innar Teose

pühitsevad teemantpulma 24. veebruaril, 2012.

Hilja ja Innar Teose pühitsevad 60.a. pulmapäeva. Laulatus toimus Jacobi Kirikus, Stockholmis 24. veebruaril 1952. Laulatas õp. Aleksander Täheväli.

Õnnitlevad pojad Erik ja Mark perekondadega, sugulased ja sõbrad.


MES Newsletter – January 2012

Please note that the MES membership year runs from September 1 to August 31. Your $10 dues demonstrate your support for the MES and encourage us to continue serving the local Estonian community. If you are not sure whether or not you have paid your current membership fee, please contact Kersti at: kleetmaa@sympatico.ca

In the spring of 2010, the MES was incorporated as a non-profit organization in Quebec. As a consequence, the MES can now provide Quebec provincial income tax receipts to anyone who would like to make a donation in support of the MES and its activities.

Your donation will be used 100% to help cover the costs of cultural and social activities that support the Estonian community in Montreal. Please give generously.

Newsletter           Membership           Donations


MES Sõnumid – Jaanuar 2012




Kuna meie tegevusaasta kulgeb 1. septembrist kuni 31. augustini, on aastane liikmemaks, $10, maksmisele kuuluv. See tagab teie toetuse MES-i heaks ning tiivustab ka meie püsivat koostööd kohaliku eesti ühiskonnaga. Liikmeks saamise vormulaari saab internetist: www.mtlmes.ca. Vormulaarid on saadaval Jaani kiriku saalis ja ka Kersti Leetmaa käest, tel. (514) 695-4194.

Kevadel 2010 sai MES tunnustatud kui kasumit mitte aktsepteeriv organisatsioon Quebecis. Järelikult me saame nüüd anda isikule, kes soovib toetada MES-i tegevust, vastava tulumaksu kviitungi.

Teie annetus läheb täies ulatuses Montreali eestlaskonna kultuuriliste ja seltskondlike ürituste kulude katteks. Olge palun helde käega.

Sõnumid           Liikmemaksud           Annetused

94th Estonian Independence Day Celebrations – February 26, 2012

94th Anniversary – Estonian Independence Day

On Sunday, February 26, an Independence Day celebration of the 94th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia will take place at St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church. There will be a church service at 11:00 am followed by a luncheon in the church hall starting at 12:15 pm. The guest speaker will be Vaado Sarapuu, editor of the recently established internet news website, Estonian World Review.

Everyone is welcome.