This singles performance earned Nelson Sanchez Leemet a spot on the Quebec team in pre-novice men. He qualified to compete in the Skate Canada Challenge in December.
This doubles performance, together with their short program, won Samantha Couillard and Nelson Sanchez Leemet first place in pre-novice pairs – Quebec Sectionals. They will be representing Quebec at the Canada Games in Prince George, BC in February 2014.
(Click on Performance to view)
MES Remembrance Day Recital & Kodumaalt Lahkumise Aastapäev
Montreal – November 11, 2014 |
European Union Film Festival – Ottawa
MES Newsletter / Sõnumid – October 2014
Trio Estonia with Avo Kittask (Baritone) – November 11, 2014
Arvo Leibur – Violin Norman Reintamm – Piano Aare Tammesalu – Cello
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Time: 19:30 St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church 4345 Marcil Avenue, NDG General admission: $10. |
MES Film evening – “Elavad Pildid” – Friday, October 17, 2014
Baltic Artists Association Presents …
Vana Andres Church (Toronto) – Visit To Casavant Frères Ltée
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Viewing the plans The organ layout |
Releathering valves Thank you |
On Friday, September 26, 2014 a delegation of 5 people (Rev. Kalle Kadakas, organists Marta Kivik & Ene Salumäe, cameraman Alex Kink along with Illar Tenno, from Old St. Andrew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Vana Andres), Toronto, paid a visit to Casavant Frères, Ltée., the Quebec builder of their 1915, Opus 618 pipe-organ. The group was joined by Rev. Tuuli Raamat and Mark Altosaar from Montreal. Casavant Vice-President, Simon Couture, greeted everyone and showed them around the factory where they were treated to several demonstrations of organ building techniques. He also presented copies of the organ plans and the original contract to the church. Since this Estonian church is closing at the end of October this year, the visit was filmed with the intention of producing a documentary video featuring the church, the congregation and the pipe-organ. It is interesting to note that Rev. Karl Raudsepp, later Bishop Raudsepp, was the founder of this Toronto Estonian church, along with several other Estonian churches across Canada, during the post WWII years of Estonian immigration to Canada. This visit was arranged by the Canadian pipe-organ historian and restoration specialist, Karl J. Raudsepp. |
Vana Andrese Kiriku Oreliehitaja Visiit Quebeci, Casavant Frères Ltée
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Jooniste vaatlemine Projekti joonis |
Naha ja puutöö Tänu avaldamine |
Teisipäeval 26. septembril 2014 aastal väisas Toronto Vana Andrese koguduse viieliikmeline delgatsioon (õpetaja Kalle Kadakas, organistid Marta Kivik ja Ene Salumäe ning kaameramees Alex Kink koos Illar Tennoga) oma kiriku Ltd. Casavant Frèresi poolt 1915 aastal ehitatud orel, Opus 618, Quebecis, St-Hyacinthe linnakeses asuvat sünnipaika.
Reisiseltskonnaga ühinesid Montrealis ka õpetaja Tuuli Raamat ja Mark Altosaar. Ltd. Casavant Frères vice – president Simon Couture tervitas matkalisi ning tutvustas vabrikut, kus külalistel oli võimalus “linnulennul” osa saada oreliehitamisest. Vice -president presenteeris külalistele ka Vana Andrese kiriku oreliehituse esialgse projekti jooniste koopiaid ning orginaallepingut aastast 1915. Kuna selle aasta 25. oktoobril eesti kogudus lahkub Vana Andrese kirikust, oli delegatsiooni eesmärgiks filmida Ltd. Casavant Frères orelivabrikut kirikut ja orelit meenutama jääva dokumentaalfilmi tarvis.
On huvitav tõik, et õpetaja Karl Raudsepp, hilisem piiskop Raudsepp, oli Vana Andrese koguduse ja mõnede teiste Teise maailmasõja järgsete Kanada pagulas – eesti koguduste asutajaks. Visiit sai teoks tänu Kanada oreli ajaloo – ja restaureerimisasjatundja Karl J. Raudsepa korraldusele.