“Peer Gynt” by Henrik Ibsen – Casgrain Theatre, John Abbott College



The John Abbott College Department of Theatre & Music presents Henrik Ibsen’s "Peer Gynt" adapted by Paul Green. The cast is the graduating class of the Professional Theatre (Acting) Programme.

Artistic Direction:   Joan McBride

Musical Direction:  Karl J. Raudsepp

Theatre: Casgrain Theatre, John Abbott College, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue

Box Office: (514) 457-2447

Shows: May 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 at 8:00 pm

Tickets: Students $8 & Regular $14 (General seating only)

Henrik Ibseni “Peer Gynt” – Casgrain Theatre, John Abbott College

The John Abbott College Department of Theatre & Music presents Henrik Ibsen’s “Peer Gynt” adapted by Paul Green. The cast is the graduating class of the Professional Theatre (Acting) Programme.

The play is directed by Joan McBride, with musical direction by Karl J. Raudsepp

Theatre: Casgrain Theatre, John Abbott College, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue
Box Office: (514) 457-2447
Shows: May 7, 8, 9 & 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 at 8:00 pm
Tickets: Students $8 & Regular $14 (General seating only)

Master’s Flute Recital By Kaili Maimets

Friday, May 8, 2009 – 8:00 PM

Tanna Schulich Hall


Flautist Kaili Maimets is currently working towards completing her Master’s degree in orchestral performance at McGill University under the mentorship of Denis Bluteau, associate principal flautist of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. She will be continuing her studies at McGill and will be graduating in December 2009.

She completed her Bachelor’s Degree in flute performance at the University of Toronto in 2008 with Nora Shulman, principal flautist of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Ms. Maimets has performed extensively in Toronto’s Estonian community for various occasions and ceremonies.

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!!!Kaili Maimetsa Flöödi Kontsert McGilli Ülikoolis

Reedel, 8. mail, 2009 – kell 20:00

Tanna Schulich Hall

Flötist Kaili Maimets, kelle mentoriks on Denis Bluteau, Montreali sümfooniaorkestri printsipaalflötisti kaasmik, on oma õpingutega lõpufaasis McGilli ülikooli juures magistrikraadi omamiseks sümfooniaorkestritega esinemise alal. Tema lõpueksam toimub detsembris 2009.

Kaili Maimets sai flötisti bakalaureuse kraadi Toronto ülikooli juures 2008. aastal, koos Norma Shulmaniga, praegune Toronto Sümfoonia Orkestri printsipaalflötist. Preili Maimets on esinenud korduvalt Toronto eestlaskonna pidulikel sündmustel ja seltskondlikel üritustel.

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“The Way It Was” in Montreal – March 13, 2009

At the invitation of the Montreal Estonian Pensioner’s Club, Dr. Prof. Heli-Kristy Kultas-Ilinsky along with her husband Dr. Prof. Igor Ilinsky, both renowned neurologists, visited Montreal to speak about "The Way It Was — the story of one special exile from Estonia“ (Trafford Publishing 06/08/2008).
