Volunteers are needed to help with the last part of the Lättemäe Bridge repairs.
DATE: Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided.
Please confirm your attendance by e-mail: ingridtark@hotmail.com
Volunteers are needed to help with the last part of the Lättemäe Bridge repairs.
DATE: Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided.
Please confirm your attendance by e-mail: ingridtark@hotmail.com
Talgulised on lahkelt kokku kutsutud Lättemäe silla uuendamise töödeks – viimane osa.
Laupäeval, 17. oktoobril alates kell 10.00
Et saaks arvestada lõunaga, palun teatage aegsasti osavõttu kavatsusest e-posti kaudu: ingridtark@hotmail.com
The Concordia University Senate voted to confer on Dr. Enn Raudsepp the designation of Distinguished Professor Emeritus, effective June 1, 2009. The Senate acted on the recommendation of the Faculty Council in Arts and Science and the Distinguished Professor Emeritus Committee. This status was granted for his outstanding contributions in his field, department, Faculty and the University over the course of his career.
Eesti päritolu teadlane, ajakirjandusprofessor Montreali Concordia ülikoolis pälvis kõrge tunnustuse. Talle omistati tiitel Distinguished Professor Emeritus.
The Montreal World Film Festival takes place from August 27 to September 7, 2009. There are two Estonian films included this year:
1 – A Wish Tree / Soovide Puu by Liina Paakspuu – August 28, 29, & 30
2 – Bank Robbery / Pangarööv by Andrus Tuisk – September 5, 6 & 7
The young Montreal Estonian actor, Matt Raudsepp, plays an insane asylum orderly at the fictitious Saarne Institute in Estonia, in the feature film "Orphan", currently in theatres everywhere. Pia Ajango, also from Montreal, plays the receptionist at the same institution. |
Raivo Tafenau Quintet ja Sergio Bastos, esinesid Montrealis pühapäeval, 28. juunil väga meeldivalt jazzi armastajatele, Upstairs Jazz Bar & Grill ööklubis. Ja nagu Euroopas on tihti leidnud aset, reageeris publik väga entusiastlikult. Mitmed kuulajaskonnast hakkasid isegi tantsima toolide vahel, mis olevat olnud esmakordne sündmus Upstairs klubis.