Lättemäe Bridge Repairs Completed

The repairs to the final section of the Lättemäe bridge were completed on Saturday, October 17, 2009. The enthusiastic work crew was joined by several well-wishers on this bright and sunny day. Lunch was served up at the camp kitchen and later that evening ‘saun’ welcomed the tired and weary.

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Lättemäe Silla Remont Lõpetatud

Lättemäe silla remondi viimane osa lõpetati laupäeval, 17. oktoobril, 2009. Ka pealtvaatajaid oli rohkesti kohal sellel ilusal päiksepaistelisel päeval, kui töökas meeskond oma tegevust alustas. Lõuna söödi laagri köögis ja õhtul oli saun kõetud nendele kes seda soovisid.



MES Annual General Meeting


Annual General Meeting of the Montreal Estonian Society

Sunday, October 2, 2011 starting at 11:00 am.

St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church Hall


NOTE: The MES membership year runs from September 1 to August 31

Therefore your 2011/2012 membership fees are due now.

Membership Form


MES-i Liikmete Peakoosolek

Montreali Eesti Seltsi Liikmete Peakoosolek

Pühapäeval, 2. oktoobril alates kell 11.00

Jaani kiriku seltskondlikes ruumides

MES-i liimeaasta kestab 1. septembrist kuni 31. augustini

Seega on teie liikmemaksu 2011-2012 tasumisaeg käes.

Liikmemaksu Blankett

MONTREAL Esto Night at the Estonian House Café in Toronto

MONTREAL Esto night at the Estonian House Café in Toronto – featuring the gourmet delicacy of the soon-to-be-famous "Montreal Smoked Meat Pirukas".


DATE: Friday, Nov. 6, 2009

PLACE: Estonian House Café

TIME: 7:00 pm

COVER: $10.


Music will be provided by Peeter Kopvillem and special guests.


Stéphane Tetreault Cello Recital

Stéphane Tétreault, 16-year old student of maestro/cellist Yuli Turovsky of the I Musici of Montreal Chamber Orchestra, will be giving a recital in the JMC Chamber Music Hall, on Friday, October 9 at 7:30 pm. Proceeds from this event will help finance his participation in the fall 2009 Rostropovich Cello Competition in Paris, France.

He was the first prize winner in the 2007 Standard Life / Montreal Symphony Orchestra Competition and a semi-finalist in the Stulberg International String Competition in 2008 and in the 2009 Johannsen International String Competition in Washington D.C. In April of this year, he was selected by maestro Michael Tilson Thomas to participate in the YouTube Symphony Orchestra, which performed at Carnegie Hall in New York.

"Stéphane is a great talent and we very much look forward to working with him. He plays with great heart and great skill. He shows tremendous maturity in his playing and I was quite surprised when I found out his age". MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Tickets: $15 each.

For information or reservations: (514) 388-6442 OR recitaljmc@stephanetetreault.com

For the past 4 years, Stéphane has been playing an historic cello belonging to and generously loaned to him by Henno Lattik.

YouTube – Bach Cello Suite Nº 1