MES New Year’s Eve Dinner & Dance
Restaurant: Comme Chez Soi, Pointe Claire
INFO: Raimo Heyduck (514) 630-3948 |
MES New Year’s Eve Dinner & Dance
Restaurant: Comme Chez Soi, Pointe Claire
INFO: Raimo Heyduck (514) 630-3948 |
MESi Vana-aasta Õhtu Öhtusöök & Tants
Restoran: Comme Chez Soi, Pointe Claire
INFO: Raimo Heyduck (514) 630-3948 |
BALT-EX – XVIII Estonian Latvia Lithuania Saturday & Sunday Dec. 5 & 6, 2009 St. John’s Estonian Church Hall N.D.G. |
Montreal Estonian Pensioners Club Friday, November 27, 2009 Prior to leaving his post as the Estonian Chargé d’Affaires in Canada, Rasmus Lumi came to Montreal to introduce his replacement, Riho Kruuv, whose three and a half year term begins December 1, 2009. The Montreal Estonian Pensioners Club fêted the two individuals at their regular Friday afternoon get-together, L-R: Riho Kruuv, Karl J. Raudsepp and Rasmus Lumi
BALT-EX – XVIII Estonian Latvia Lithuania
Saturday & Sunday Dec. 5 & 6, 2009 St. John’s Estonian Church Hall N.D.G.
Free admission |
IN MEMORIAM Rev. Heino Laaneots St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church
Heino Laaneots was born August 26, 1928 in Pärnumaa, Estonia, in the parish of Jäärja. His early education was obtained in Estonia. During WWII he fought for his homeland but ended up in England as a refugee, where he began and, in 1968, completed his theological studies at Oxford University, Mansfield College. From 1967 – 1970 he ministered at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Corby Norhants and from 1970 -1975 served as the Dean of the Estonian Lutheran Church in England. Since 1977 he has been the pastor at St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church in Montreal. He died Friday afternoon, November 20, 2009 and is survived by his wife Virve, son Lembit and two granddaughters.
EestiElu Article in Estonian – Ralf Kall EestiElu Article in Estonian – Tõnis Nõmmik
E.E.L.K. Montreali Jaani koguduse õpetaja Heino Laaneots Heino Laaneots sündis 26. augustil 1928 Pärnumaal, Jäärja vallas. Oma alghariduse sai ta Eestis. Sõjakeeris, kus ta võitles relv käes kodumaa eest, viis ta lõpuks Inglismaale. Seal alustas ta oma usuteaduse õpinguid Oxfordi Ülikooli Mansfieldi Kolledzis, mille lõpetas 1968. aastal.
1967 – 1970 teenis ta Corby Norhantsi Püha Pauluse kogudust Inglismaal. 1970 – 1976 oli ta E.E.L.K. Inglismaa praost ja 1977. aastast alates oli ta Montreali Jaani koguduse õpetajaks. Ta oli abielus Virve Laaneotsaga ja abielust sündis poeg Lembit. Heino Laaneots suri reedel, 20. novembril 2009 Montrealis.
EestiElu Artikkel – Ralf Kall EestiElu Artikkel – Tõnis Nõmmik |
Anyone wishing to acquire MES produced Christmas sausages (verivorstid) this year, please take note of the following:
Orders will be taken starting on Sunday, November 1, 2009 at the MES AGM – not before
Cost: $6/pound for MES members & $10/pound all others – first come first served
Pick-up: Saturday, November 28, 2009 from 2:00-3:00 pm ONLY
Info: OR (514) 489-9714
Kõik kes soovivad osta MES-i poolt valmistatud jõulu verivorste, palun pange tähele järgmist:
Tellida saab alates 1. novembrist 2009, MES-i aastapeakoosolekul
Hind: $6/nael MES-i liikmetele ja $10/nael teistele
Vorstid saab kätte Jaani kiriku saalis laupäeval, 28. novembril 2009 kell 14:00 – 15:00
Info: või (514) 489-9714