MES-i Uue Aasta Esimene Koosviibimine

Montreali Eesti Seltsi uue aasta esimene koosviibimine toimub reedel, 15. jaanuaril, kohvikus Shaika Café, kell 19.00. Kella 20.30 paiku annavad MES-i juhatuse liikmed ülevaate 2010. aasta tegevuskavast ja üritustest.   Levitage seda teadet!  Eriti teretulnud on nooremad eestlased, kes praegu õpivad Montrealis.


MILLAL:  Reedel, 15. Jaanuaril, 2010 kell 19.00

KUS:  Shaika Café – 5526 Sherbrooke St. West (Vendôme Metro)



Montreal Estonian Playwrite – Annabel Soutar

Sexy Concrete III: Abandoned

A bilingual play in three one-act episodes

written by: Annabel Soutar

Segal Centre: January 11 – 21, 2010


Sexy Concrete is a political thriller about the past but it is inspired as much by today’s news headlines that document with shocking frequency falling chunks of concrete from Quebec’s infrastructure.

In this, the final episode of Sexy béton, actors Brett and Maude take their investigation all the way to the top. An interview with none other than the ex-premier of Québec reveals that the truth about the Concorde collapse is indeed out there, but will it offer any hope of redemption?

Portes Paroles (website) – Segal Centre (showtimes)

Montreal Gazette Review


Memorial Service For Heino Laaneots – January 31, 2010

The Memorial Service for Rev. Heino Laaneots will be held at St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church (4345 Marcil Ave. in NDG) on Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 11:00 am.


In lieu of flowers,

the Laaneots family requests that donations be made to:

St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church

4345 Marcil Avenue

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

H4A 2Z9


For further information, please direct all enquiries to:


EestiElu Article in Estonian – Ralf Kall

EestiElu Article in Estonian – Tõnis Nõmmik

Õpetaja Heino Laaneotsa Mälestusteenistus – 31. jaanuaril 2010


Õpetaja Heino Laaneotsa mälestusteenistus leiab aset 31. jaanuaril 2010 Montreali Jaani Kirikus (4345 Marcil Ave., NDG) kell 11:00.

Lillede asemel

palub perekond Laaneots teha annetused Montreali Jaani kogudusele:

St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church

4345 Marcil Avenue

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

H4A 2Z9


EestiElu Artikkel – RalfKall

EestiElu Artikkel – Tõnis Nõmmik


St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church – AGM

Sunday, January 10, 2010



The Annual Congregational Meeting


St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church

will be held on

Sunday, January 10, 2010

immediately following the regular church service

which starts at 11:00 am. Coffee.

All members are encouraged to attend.



Montreali Jaani Koguduse Täiskogu koosolek

Pühapäeval 10. jaanuaril, 2010

Montreali Jaani Koguduse täiskogu koosolek


pühapäeval 10. jaanuaril 2010

kiriku saalis, kohe peale tavalist teenistust

mis algab kell 11:00 hommikul. Kohvi.

Kõik liikmed on teretulemast.



Honorary Estonian Consul in Montreal – Maurice Forget

Maurice Forget, C.M.


2009 Prix Arts-Affaires de Montreal


Maurice Forget, the Honorary Estonian Consul in Montreal, and a partner at Fasken Martineau, has won the Prix Arts-Affaires de Montréal in the Arts-Business Personality category. A well-known figure on the Montréal cultural scene, Maurice Forget was honoured for his outstanding contribution to the Stewart Hall Art Gallery, but also to 22 other organizations that he actively supports.

Every year, these prestigious prizes are awarded to a large enterprise, an SME and a business personality who have been actively involved in culture. Their support can take a variety of forms: the loan of a collection, a fundraising campaign, sitting on a board of directors, etc.

Cultural organizations in the Greater Montreal area nominate the companies and business people that have offered them invaluable support.


Montréal, December 9, 2009