Montreali Jaani Koguduse Basaar Laupäeval, 10. novembril, 2012 alates kell 12:00 |
Montreali Jaani Koguduse Basaar Laupäeval, 10. novembril, 2012 alates kell 12:00 |
Montreal Estonian Society – Annual General Meeting Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 11:30 (sandwiches & coffee provided)
St. John’s Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church Hall
L to R: BAA executive members: Ausra Geraleviciute (Lithuanian representative), Hille Viires (Estonian representative, Ann Kallaste BAA president & Inara Leimanis (Latvian representative).
Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. Barrhaven United Church [ 3013 Jockvale Road, Nepean (Ottawa) ] CLASSICAL / JAZZ A piano concert featuring ARMAS MAISTE & friends Tickets: $12 (12 and under $5) INFO: Margit (613) 823-1531 |
Mushroom Picking Day at Lättemäe Saturday, August 25th at 1:00 pm We’ll show you what you can and cannot pick. Bring with you a basket and a small paring knife. Please wear wellingtons or hiking boots and a long sleeve shirt – as we are going into the woods! email: OR by phone (514) 746-0220 |