Estonian Embassy – Consular Affairs Day in Montreal

The Estonian Embassy in Ottawa is pleased to announce that the representative of the Embassy, Mr. Riho Kruuv, will be available in Montreal at the Office of Mr. Maurice Forget, Honorary Consul of Estonia (3700 The Stock Exchange Tower, 800 Victoria Square) on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Mr. Kruuv will assist you with questions and requests with respect to: legalization of documents, ordering documents from Estonia, applications for Estonian passports and ID cards.

To book an appointment with Mr. Kruuv please contact the Embassy by e-mail:
OR by Telephone: (613) 789-4222

In order to assist you in the most efficient way possible, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the Embassy’s website,
as many answers to your questions as well as downloadable application forms are available online.

Eesti Saatkonna Konsulaar Päev Montrealis

Eesti saatkonnal on hea meel teatada, et saatkonna esindaja Hr. Riho Kruuv-i vastuvõtuajad Montreali Eesti aukonsuli Hr. Maurice Forgeti kontoris (3700 The Stock Exchange Tower, 800 Victoria Square) toimuvad teisipäeval 18. detsembril 2012 kell 10:30 kuni 15:30.

Hr. Kruuv assisteerib alljärgnevatel teemadel: dokumentide legaliseerimine, arhiivdokumentide tellimine Eesti Vabariigist, ja Eesti passi taotlemisega seotud küsimustes.

Hr. Kruuv-iga kohtumise kokku leppimiseks palume kontakteeruda saatkonnaga e-posti teel:
VÕI helistades (613) 789-4222

Palume eelnevalt tutvuda saatkonna kodulehega,
kus on vastused paljudele korralduslikele küsimustele ning samuti allalaetavad taotlusvormid. Infoga tutvumine tagab efektiivsema abi vastvõtul, aadressil: