9th Annual MES Golf Tournament – Friday, August 1, 2014
Reserve your spot ASAP (Max 52 golfers + dinner guests) |
Üheksas Iga-aastane MES-i Golfi Turniir – Reedel, 1. augustil, 2014
Reserveerige kohad peatselt (Maksimum 52 mängijat) |
Jaanipäev at Lättemäe – Saturday, June 21, 2014
JAANIPÄEV at LÄTTEMÄE MES Midsummer Celebration Saturday, June 21, 2014
12:00 – Flag raising Lunch is served at 2:00 pm – free but please sign-up ahead of time, (donations accepted)
ACTIVITIES This year, a more informal format will be offered – allowing time for more social interaction Estonian music Ping-pong, volleyball, etc. History of Lättemäe 20:30 – Lõke
INFO: (514) 695-4194