New Estonian Consulate Opened in Quebec City

November 5, 2010

The official ceremony to open the new Estonian consulate in Quebec City took place on November 5, 2010 in the law offices of Joli-Coeur Lacasse The Canadian and Estonian National Anthems were played followed by brief addresses from Quebec’s Deputy Minister of International Relations, Robert Keating, the Estonian Ambassador Väino Reinart, the Estonian Foreign Ministry representative Malle Talvet-Mustonen and finally by the new Honorary Estonian Consul in Quebec City, François-Xavier Simard (on the right).

Le Soleil


Avati uus aukonsulaat Quebec Citys

5. Novembril, 2010

Aukonsulaadi avamistseremoonia toimus 5. novembril õigusbüroo Joli-Coeur Lacasse kontoris, kus aukonsulaat realselt ka tegutsema hakkab. Tseremoonia avasõnad ütles firma president, misjärel mängiti Kanada ja Eesti hümne. Hümnide järel esinesid sõnavõttudega Quebeci provintsi asevälisminister Robert Keating, Suursaadik Väino Reinart, Välisministeeriumi 2. poliitikaosakonna (Põhja-Ameerika ja Euroopa) peadirektor Malle Talvet-Mustonen ja aukonsul François-Xavier Simard (esimene paremalt).

EestiElu               Le Soleil


Happy Birthday Arvo Pärt

Happy Birthday Pärt & Rutter


This choral concert featuring Musica Orbium will be celebrating the 75th birthday of the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, one of the most important and influential composers of the 21st century. It will also be celebrating the 60th birthday of John Rutter.


Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 7:30 pm

St. George’s Anglican Church

1101 Stanley St., Bonaventure Metro

Tickets $25 & $15

Info: (514) 243-1303


Estonian Language Classes – To Continue In January 2011

Estonian Language Classes

From February to June 2010 the MES conducted its first highly successful session of Estonian language classes via Skype video conferencing with an experienced teacher from Estonia.

The MES is preparing to launch a new session of courses starting January 2011. If you are interested, please contact Tom Ventser (course co-ordinator) to indicate interest and level of instruction desired – beginner, advanced beginner, intermediate or advanced. Reserve your spot today!