93rd Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia

93rd Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Church Service at 11:00 am

Celebration/lunch ($10) at 12:00 in the Church Hall

Speaker: Dr. Tiiu Põldma

Poetry Reading: Hille Viires

Piano soloist: Kara-Lis Coverdale


Eesti Vabariigi 93. aastapäeva aktus

E.V. 93. aastapäeva tähistamine

20. veebruaril, 2011

Jumalateenistus kell 11:00

Aktus/lõuna ($10) kiriku saalis kell 12:00

Kõne: Dr. Tiiu Põldma

Deklamatsioon:   Hille Viires

Klaveri Soolo:  Kara-Lis Coverdale


PISA Test Results Good News for Canada, Quebec and Estonia

The Montreal Gazette, January 13, 2011

In an article by Bill Tierney that was published in the Montreal Gazette on January 13, 2011 there was good news about our Canadian educational system. The OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) sponsored PISA tests (Program of International Student Assessment), ranked Canada third in reading skills, after South Korea and Finland. Canada also ranked fifth in mathematics as well as in science. By comparison, the United States is much lower down in the rankings.

Historically Canada has been and continues to be one of the leading educational countries in the world. And in Canada, the best performance was in Alberta, with Quebec in second place.

The 2009 survey ranked a total of 35 countries and the best performer in Eastern Europe was Estonia.

Bill Tierney is a former teacher at John Abbott College in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec.

To read his complete article: The Gazette

PISA International Rankings


Student success rates in Quebec, Canada and Estonia

In an article written by Bill Tierney that appeared in the Montreal Gazette on January 13, 2011 the PISA test results showed that Canada rates very high in the rankings for reading skills, mathematics and in science.  The OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) sponsored PISA tests (Program of International Student Assessment), ranked Canada third in the world in the 2009 test in reading skills, after South Korea and Finland.  Canada ranked fifth in the world in mathematics and science.

Historically, Canada has been and continues to be one of the leading educational countries in the world.  And in Canada, the best performance was in Alberta, with Quebec in second place.

The survey ranked 35 countries.  The best performer in Eastern Europe was Estonia.

Bill Tierney is a former teacher at John Abbott College in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec.

Gazette Article


TV3 News Visits the MES ‘Lasteaed’

Estonian TV3 News Visits the MES ‘Lasteaed’ – Video

How many second, third or fourth generation Estonian expatriates still speak their mother tongue in Canada? TV3 news from Estonia visited the MES kindergarten in Montreal, to find out first-hand how some young children are learning the Estonian language and what they may know about their ancestry.

Every second Saturday, 10 children and their parents get together for the MES ‘Lasteaed’ in St. John’s Estonian Church hall in NDG. Together they play games, sing songs, do art and discuss all things Estonian.

See video


TV3: Montreali eesti lastele emakeel raskusi ei valmista

TV3 saadetis Montreali lasteaija kohta

Kui palju oskavad Kanada eesti päritolu lapsed veel eesti keelt? TV3 uudised käisid Kanadas külas eesti kogukonnal, et vaadata, kuidas õpivad sealsed lapsed eesti keelt ja mida teatakse esivanemate kodumaast.

Montreali Jaani kirikus saavad igal teisel laupäeval kokku 10 pisipõnni ja nende vanemad, et rääkida eesti keelt ning arutelda Eestit puudutavate küsimuste üle. Nagu selgus, leidus eesti keele rääkijaid nii vanemate kui ka päris pisikeste seas.

Vaata videot


Estonian Air Takes Delivery of CRJ900 from Bombardier

January 24, 2011

Bombardier Aerosopace delivered the first of three CRJ900 NextGen regional jets ordered by Estonian Air in 2010. The transaction included options on two additional aircraft. The handover was celebrated at Bombardier Aerospace’s facility in Mirabel, Quebec where this aircraft is manufactured.

Andrus Aljas, President and Chief Executive Officer, Estonian Air, who was on hand for the official ceremonies and delivery said: "To better meet Estonia’s market demands, we require an aircraft with less capacity than our larger jets. Mr. Aljas said the airline will use the aircraft mainly on high-demand business destinations.

ERR News






left to right: Jean-Guy Blondin, Director CRJ Programs, Bombardier Aerospace, Andrus Aljas, President and Chief Executive Officer, Estonian Air, Joakim Helenius, Chairman of the Council, Estonian Air, Anne Woodyatt, Vice President Contracts, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft after the presentation of the ceremonial key to mark the delivery of Estonian Air’s first CRJ900 NextGen aircraft.